
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

On The GOP: Not (Yet) At A Loss For Words

I'm more conservative than you would guess, and I do try to be objective. But objectivity doesn't mean giving equal air time, much less credence, to two points of view, when one of them is so clearly wrong. I'm talking to you, Republican Party.

As I write this post the standing of America's full faith and credit hangs in the balance, thanks to a small group of Tea Party Republicans whose ideology is twisted and whose actions are nothing short of selfish and cruel. It's not out of the question that a full-blown world-wide recession will be brought on not by the underlying economic fundamentals but by a crisis manufactured out of whole cloth by these ghouls.

This isn't altogether about the underlying causes which give rise to these creeps -- the gerrymandering, the bribes disguised as campaign donations, the 24/7 GOP campaign commercial disguised as a cable TV "news" network. This is about the Teabaggers' morals, or lack thereof, and their pride in lying. And it's about the supposed GOP adults displaying an awesome cowardice of silence.

Screech Palin stands in front of the WWII Memorial, closed by the GOP, and screeches about Obama's lack of respect for veterans. Turdly Cruz (more in fake sadness than in anger, mind you) whines about the Democrats' unwillingness to compromise as he conducts a scorched-earth carpet-bombing of anything that might break the impasse from his headquarters at a Mexican restaurant. LoonBat Bachmann implores the heavens to bring "end times" if the Democrats dare offer medical care to the sick and the poor. The Christian Sharia triumverate of the Father Fox, the Son Roger Ailes and the Holy Kochs threaten to rain plagues upon the populus unless women spread their legs for vaginal probes.

They care more about uteri than equal pay. They give priority to oil company subsidies before the deficit they pretend to lambast. They deny climate warming science while claiming the earth is 6,000 years old. They have rebranded themselves the Party of MisIntelligent Design -- by design.

The so-called adults of the GOP cower in their cloakrooms, for fear of losing the love of their Tea party babies. Boehner, the weakest Speaker in House history, rigs the House rules to give himself power and then refuses to save the country by calling a vote which he knows damn well would pass. McConnell calls Reid his "friend" while backstabbing him at every turn, because Wattle knows he'll be primaried in Kentucky by someone crazier than himself. McCain rattles back and forth between a self-contrived eminence grise persona and David Gregory's wet-nurse.

The party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ike has become the party of dimwits, bible-bangers and bile. It's beyond disgusting. And it's only a matter of time before the good, solid conservative voters -- the ones who work the farms of Kansas and the factories of Indiana, mean what they say, act the way they believe, and like everyone else, just want the best for their children -- see through this deranged bunch of lunatics and sends them packing. And that... would hardly be a just reward.

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