
Saturday, August 3, 2013


I have managed to avoid blogging until today. Alas, the combination of the lack of nuance available on Twitter and my love of writing has conspired to make me give it a shot. 

My interest is primarily in politics, with a smattering of other matters (that’s you, #RedSox).

I am frustrated beyond words with the lack of factual discourse in today’s politics, and broadly speaking, that extends across the political spectrum. As an example, there is great controversy about whether the wealthiest among us create jobs. Everyone has an opinion, backed by quite varying degrees of logic, but no where have I seen a presentation of these facts: Who are the 1%? Are they individuals or companies? How many jobs do they create – and why? Is their job creation a function of demand for the business, level of taxes, and/or a thousand other reasons? Doesn’t anyone actually know? 

It also drives me nuts that pols of all stripes refuse to offer specific solutions. The Sounds of Silence are heard when you ask a Tea Partier what services they'd cut or a big-city liberal how they'd help American business to become more competitive.

The picture I substituted for a headshot was taken in Haiti a couple years ago when I traveled there with a group to help build an orphanage. Haiti, compared to most of the US, might as well be another planet. Except, not. That picture reminds me to have some perspective. 

I hope you enjoy this blog. Comments are welcome.

August 3, 2013


  1. I propose that as your next post you look into who is the one percent, that would be to me an interesting argument if the facts were available. So easy these days for pundits and talking heads to lay blame with no fact. Also, understand fully about the perspective of Haiti.
    Lovey hummingbirds for a background. Be well Potus and Write On! Or Right On! :)

    1. Thank You! I'm doing some research right now.


  2. I'm very glad to see you here. I will be reading with interest.

  3. So happy you decided (finally) to blog. Bookmarking for future reads.

  4. Looking forward to you posts.
